Created by Peter Farrelly and Bobby Mort, Loudermilk is a comedy-drama series. It revolves around the eponymous character, Sam Loudermilk, a music critic turned alcohol support group leader. Loudermilk uses his past as an alcoholic as well as his ability to critique brutally to help his clients. The first two seasons of the show aired on Audience Network before it went defunct in May 2020. After Amazon acquired the streaming rights to the show, the third season was released on December 31, 2020. If you are wondering whether there will be a fourth season of Loudermilk, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Loudermilk Season 4 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Loudermilk Season 4 release date?
Loudermilk Season 4 does not have an official release date, but it might be announced in the future.
As of January 2024, Loudermilk hasn’t been greenlit for the fourth season. Series co-creator Peter Farrelly told Deadline in October 2020 that while the cast had been released from the show, they were eager to return if season 4 was to happen. He had hopes that the show would go on for seven seasons and even gave some hints on what the audience could expect in the fourth season.
“It is the year Loudermilk gets his mojo back,” Farrelly explained. “He writes a book at end of Season 3, it’s all about the music world. It becomes a huge smash hit in Season 4. And all of a sudden, he is back in the game, people are inviting him to parties, and he is hanging out with real musicians. Now the question is, will he have time for that sad, sad group he has been babysitting for the last three years? Will he be able to maintain the sobriety now that he is back in the fast lane?”
In the years since then, not much has been heard about Loudermilk. Farrelly and various members of the cast have become involved with the other projects. However, the prospect of Loudermilk Season 4 can’t be entirely ruled out. Now that Netflix has begun streaming the three seasons of Loudermilk in January 2024, it’s possible that the streaming giant might decide to make the fourth season sometime down the line.
The cast includes Ron Livingston as Sam Loudermilk, Will Sasso as Ben Burns, Anja Savcic as Claire Wilkes, Laura Mennell as Allison Montgomery, and more.
The official synopsis for Loudermilk reads:
“Sam Loudermilk is a recovering alcoholic and substance abuse counselor with an extremely bad attitude about, well, everything. He is unapologetically uncensored, and manages to piss off everyone in his life. Although he has his drinking under control, Loudermilk discovers that when your life is a complete mess, getting clean is the easy part.”